Non-Tax Revenue


Sector Contribution to Government Revenues (PNBP)

Chart illustrates the value and composition of non-tax revenues (pendapatan negara bukan pajak/PNBP) from oil & gas, mineral & coal, and new, renewable energy & energy conservation sector.


Government Revenues (Tax and Non-Tax)

Chart illustrates the value of tax revenues from oil & gas and non-tax revenues (pendapatan negara bukan pajak/PNBP) from oil, natural gas, mineral & coal, and geothermal.


Non-Tax Revenue (PNBP) from Geothermal

Charts illustrate the non-tax revenue from various geothermal working areas in Indonesia.


Indonesia's Non-Tax Receipts (PNBP) In Energy Sector

The chart describe Indonesia's Non-Tax Receipts (PNBP) In Energy Sector.

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