Glossary & Annex

Automotive Diesel Oil (ADO)
A type of diesel oil used as fuel for high speed diesel engine.

Asosiasi Produsen Biofuel Indonesia (APROBI)

Aviation gasoline (Avgas)
Special high octane gasoline for aircraft reciprocating engine, has high stability, low freezing point, and rather flat distillation curve.

Aviation turbine fuel (Avtur)
Special fuel for turbine/jet aircraft, a special kerosene with distillation range of 150°C - 250°C.

Barrel Oil Equivalent (BOE)
Calorific equivalent of a barrel of crude oil.

Billion Standard Cubic Feet (BSCF)

Collective name for firewood, agriculture waste (rice husks, rice stems, palm fronds, coconut shells), black liquor, wood chips, wood barks.

Captive Power Plant 
Power plant owned by industry to produce electricity for their own use.

Sedimentary rock originated from piles of wood since millions of years ago.

Coal Transformation 
Processing of coal (coking coal, steam coal, sub-bituminous coal, and lignite) to produce coke, blast furnace gas, and briquet.

Type of Non – Tax in Mining Sector




Exploration Dues

Mining Business Lisence (Izin Usaha Pertambangan, IUP)

Contract of Work (Kontrak Karya, KK)

Coal Mining Concession Work Agreement (Perjanjian Karya Pengusaha Pertambangan Batubara, PKP2B)

Mining Sales

Coal Mining Concession Work Agreement (Perjanjian Karya Pengusahaan Pertambangan Batubara, PKP2B)

Group of energy consumers which use energy for lighting, air conditioning, mechanical equipment, cooking appliance, and water heating but not including consumption for vehicles/ transportation. Energy consumers included in this group are commercial and general business such as: commerce, hotel, restaurant, financial institution, government agency, school, hospital, etc.

Liquid extracted from natural gas; can be in the form liquid petroleum gas or natural gasoline.

Conversion Factor 
Factor used to convert physical unit such as: liter, barrel, ton, and cubic meter to energy unit such as: Joule, BTU, ton coal equivalent (TCE), or barrel or ton oil equivalent (BOE or TCE).

Crude Oil 
Mixture of hydrocarbons occurring in liquid phase in subsurface reservoir and remains liquid under atmospheric pressure.

Diesel Oil 
A refinery product which contains heavy gasoil, and available as automotive diesel oil (ADO) or industrial diesel oil (IDO).

Directorate General of Climate Change (Direktorat Jenderal Pengendalian Perubahan Iklim, Ditjen PPI)

Depo Pengisian Bahan Bakar Pesawat Udara  (DPPU) 
Aircraft Refueling Depot, serving avgas and avtur for aircraft consumption.

Electric power produced in electric power plant such as Hydro Power Plant (PLTA), Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP), Gas Power Plant (PLTG), Gas Steam Power Plant (PLTGU), Coal Steam Power Plant (Coal PLTU), Diesel Power Plant (PLTD), etc.

Energy Balance Table 
Energy system input-output table, the rows indicate activities of an energy commodity which consists of four main elements, namely primary energy, transformation, own use & losses, and energy consumption. The columns indicate the type of energy commodity

Final Energy 
Energy which can be directly consumed by user

Final Energy Consumption 
Energy consumption of four sectors of energy consumers, namely: household sector, commercial sector, industry sector, and transportation sector as well as consumption of energy as raw material and reduction agent. In compiling REP Riau, household sector is combined with commercial sector due to the limited data obtained.

Final Stock 
Total stock at the end of the year.

Forestry and Other Land Use (FOLU)

Fuel Oil (FO)
Lowest order refinery product; heavy distillate, residue and their mixture which is used as fuel in industrial furnace and electric power plant.

(see mogas)

Gas Process 
LNG plant or LPG plant, liquefaction or purification process to produce LNG and LPG.

GDP at Constant Price 
Added value of goods and services computed on the basis of prices in a certain year.

GDP, Nominal (based on current price) 
Added value of goods and services computed on the basis of the price occurring in each year.

Gigagram of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (Gg CO₂e)

Gigawatt hours (GWh)

Goods and Services Export 
All transfer and sale of goods and services from resident of a country to resident of another country, including those conducted in the same country or in another country. Value of good export is based on FOB.

Government Consumption 
Expenditures for employees expenses, depreciation and purchase of goods and services (including travel expenses, maintenance and other routine expenditures), expended by central government or regional governments but not including receipt from result of production of goods and services.

Greenhouse Gas (GHG)

High Speed Diesel (HSD) Oil

A type of diesel oil with cetane number 45 used as transportation engine and industrial engine.

Group of energy consumers which use energy for cooking, lighting, and household appliances but not including energy consumption for private car.

Potential energy of flowing water, computed as input energy to generate electric power, consists of dam, river stream, microhydro.

Purchase from other country, not including the one in transit.

Indonesia Ministry of Environment and Forestry (Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, KLHK)

Indonesia Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, KESDM)

Indonesia Ministry of Finance (Kementerian Keuangan, Kemenkeu)

Industrial Diesel Oil (IDO) 
A type of diesel oil used as fuel in low or medium speed industrial diesel engine (and marine engine).

Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU)

Group of energy consumers which use energy for industrial process such as steam boiler, direct heating, lighting, and mechanical equipment, but does not include energy used for electricity generation for such industries: iron and steel, chemical, non-iron metal, non-metal production, food, paper, wood, construction, textile etc.

Initial Stock 
Total stock at the beginning of the year.

International Bunker 
Energy consumption for international shipping, supplied to international ships for all ships bearing any flag.

A type of oil fuel produced from distillation process which volatility lies between that of mogas and diesel oil, used as fuel for lighting, kitchen stove, and outboard engine.

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
Light hydrocarbons of crude oil, produced from oil refinery process or purification process of natural gas, consisting of propane (C3H8) and butane (C4H10) or their mixture.

Losses in Electricity Generation 
Losses that occur in transformer, transmission and distribution network.

Low Sulphur Waxy Residue (LSWR) 
Byproduct of oil refining.

Million Standard Cubic Feet (MMSCF)

Million Stock Tank Barrel (MMSTB)

Motor gasoline (Mogas) 
Light hydrocarbon oil used in internal combustion engine, except aircraft engine, available in the market as Premium, Premix, Super TT, and BB2L.

Natural Gas 
All kinds of hydrocarbon gas produced from wells; mixture of hydrocarbon gas and vapour occurring naturally, which main components are methane, ethane, propane, butane, pentane, and hexane; mined from underground accumulation either directly or as associated gas in oil mining.

Natural Gas Liquid 
(see Condensate)

Non-energy Consumption 
Consumption of energy for non-energy consumption which includes lubricating oil, petrochemical industry raw material (naphtha, natural gas, and coke), and gas consumed chemical raw material (methanol and ammonia/urea).

Non-renewable Energy 
Energy which reserve cannot be brought back into original condition, generally consists of fossil energy.

Non-tax Revenue
Non-tax revenue is a recurring income earned by the government from sources other than taxes.

Oil Refinery 
Crude oil or condensate processing unit to produce oil fuels such as naphtha, avgas, avtur, ADO, IDO, mogas, kerosene, fuel oil, LPG, etc.

Other Oil Products (OOP) 
Other refinery products such as naphtha, lubricating oil, bitumen, paraffin, etc. (sulphur, grease).

Own Use and Losses 
Category that include energy losses and energy used in primary energy production field and in each transformation.

Own Use in Electricity Generation 
Own use is all energy consumed in power plant and the transmission and distribution sub-station.

Own Use and Losses in Gas Processing 
Losses that occur due to transport, distribution, and transfer by pipe. Own use is all energy consumed in gas processing.

Own Use and Losses in Oil Refinery 
Losses that occur due to transportation, distribution, and transfer by pipe. Own use is all energy consumes in oil refinery processes.

Own Use and Losses in Production Field 
Losses that occur due to transport, distribution, and transfer by pipe. Own use is all energy consumed in production field.

PLN Power Plant 
Electric power plant owned by PT PLN (Persero) to produce electricity for sale to the public.

Primary Energy 
Energy in its original form which is extracted by means of mining, dam, or renewable energy utilization.

Private Sector Power Plant 
Power plant owned by private sector to produce electricity for sale to the public. Known as Independent Power Producer (IPP).

Total gross primary energy extracted/produced.

Quasy Money
Time deposit and saving, in Rupiah and foreign exchange, including foreign exchange deposit by residents.

Renewable Energy 
Energy which reserve can be brought back into original condition.

(see BOE)

Secondary Energy 
Energy which has undergone transformation process into other form of energy.

Stasiun Pengisian BBM Umum (SPBU) 
Public oil fuel refueling station, which sells gasoline (Premium, Premix, and Super TT) and diesel oil (ADO).

Statistical Difference 
Difference between net supply (production + import – export – international bunker – stock change – consumption for transformation + production from transformation – own use – losses) and total final consumption.

Stock Change 
Difference between the stock in the beginning and the end of the year. Stock decrease in energy balance is shown by positive sign which means there is increase in supply, while stock increase is shown by negative sign which means there is decrease in supply.

Sub-bituminous coal 
A type of coal which has calorific value of 5,000–6,000 kcal/kg.

Total Energy Balance 
Total of all columns in a certain row. In transformation row, the total of columns indicates efficiency of the transformation process.

Total Final Energy Consumption
Sum of energy consumption in the following sectors: household, commercial, industry, transportation, and non-energy consumption.

Total Primary Energy Supply 
Local production plus import less export less bunker and less or plus stock change.

Group of energy consumers which use energy for transport vehicles.

Source: Energy Balance 1990-1994, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

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